Theatre Facilitator: Various theatre institutions have hired Alix to facilitate workshops in either: movement, Waterwork, impulse, mind/body, intimacy and connectedness for the actor, authentic gesture, Laban, mask (neutral, character, grotesque and Commedia Dell’Arte), contemporary and Shakespeare performance. Alix also teaches Intimacy and Consent at various colleges and offers Embodiment/Gesture training and coaching for Opera singers throughout the country.

Some centres include: Stratford Festival, The Royal Conservatory Of Music, National Society of Intimacy Professionals, the Glen Gould School, The Randolph Academy, York University, Young People’s Theatre, Canadian Opera Company, Humber College, Canadian Children’s Opera Company, Ottawa Theatre School, National Arts Centre, University of Waterloo, Ottawa University, Algonquin College, Arts Court (Resident Artist 2014-2015), Ottawa Little Theatre, Kanata Theatre, St. Lawrence College, MASC, and many others.