on wholeness

Gaya card selected from the Gaya Oracle deck, messages and artwork by Toni Camine Salerno. This card represents wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understanding

Gaya card selected from the Gaya Oracle deck, messages and artwork by Toni Camine Salerno. This card represents wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understanding

To fix the world, you must first see it as broken.
I'm not so sure I'd go there.
- “Tut”, The Universe Talks

i read this in the morning just after a meditation on how i no longer desire to see people by how they present themselves. i choose to observe them, rather, in more a porous fashion. by the light i know they burn inside.

in my morning meditation, i felt the deep sensation of allness, togetherness, oneness ... my light kissing all light, identity was light itself.

how synchronistic to see the Tut message in my email box, then.

i know unbearable things are happening on our planet right now. we seem to be in process of facing and deciding what to do with these misguided actions and beliefs. i contemplate that we are in the process of healing what i observe to be the thickness inside of us ... identifies, pains, imprints that have us living in separation from one another. i feel into a homecoming. to our shared allness, shared heart and oneness.

i choose, in meditation and active intent, to feel into this all’ness, this unified heart and oneness

We are not broken
Nothing needs to be fixed
We are whole
Always were

when i am in the process of moving into a new home, i usually don’t bring the dust bunnies from under the couch along with me. i sneeze violently (i’m allergic) as i sweep it all and toss it into the bin. i recognize that most of that dust is comprised of my skin as well as other residuals from my home and from those who have tread within it. it’s never pleasant to deal with but i recognize the relationship. i can choose to resent it, be embarrassed by it, judge it but usually i choose to take responsibility for it. a mess i made, have neglected for too long, have contributed to it somehow in some way. it’s not other than me. it’s a combination of all that is of me and about me. and of the hearts who have shared space with me. i feel into its connection to me. and i also choose not to leave it behind for the new tenants or bring it along to my new home. it’s a moment of clean up. of recognizing my oneness with it and also my opportunity to let it go. relics of my past. old cells. old thoughts. old ways of gathering solution.

not a fixing.
i was never broken.
i just recognize that in the movement within my wholeness, some things naturally fall off, shed.

my natural state is renewal.