Be ground. Be Crumbled.

Flower in Paros

Flower in Paros

“Very little grows on jagged rock.
Be ground. Be crumbled,
so wildflowers will come up
where you are.

You have been stony for too many years.
Try something different. Surrender."

- Rumi

It’s also been my personal experience that when I let go of controlling results, let go of resisting change, let go of identifying with my fears, let go of holding it all together ... when I’ve said, “ok, madness that shows itself it many forms, take me. What more have I got to lose at this point”, when I’ve thrown my arms wide to the sky and offered it my throat, my belly, my all ... is when the most beautiful and extraordinary gifts have suddenly offered themselves to me. Epiphanies. Aha’s. Ways of perceiving, living, tasting ... that I’d never considered before. 

Vulnerability is porousness
And is intimate
Within it, I’ve witnessed possibility
And have become expansion itself

Surrender can mean to soften. To allow for the possibility of something new to enter.  To listen. Accept. Tap into an inner knowledge of ok’ness. To let go of ‘fight’ and engage in discourse instead. To release the patriarchal desire to win and to entertain dialectic instead. To meet rather that to push. To see the storm as a million tiny raindrops, each providing their own contact. You can find your way within them rather than acknowledging them as an unbeatable force.

To love.
Within and without.
No matter what