on unclogging

Painting by Alex Grey

Painting by Alex Grey

I must remember.

Especially when I am feeling energetically clogged up.

To simply sit in silence. And just be.

Every time I manage moments of absolute surrender and openness, I am bathed in Grace. It feels so very much like home. Like I am swimming in God.

I recognize there is a dance going on within me ... my histories are asking to be freed. And there has been a revealing of old language, an offer for its release ... but the dance steps have felt so very clumsy at times and at other times, it's seemed as if my dance teacher doesn't believe in me at all.

But then I remember the connection:

Sitting in stillness is letting love in, being the love that is, allowing for all love to expand and radiate. The more I am it, the less roadblocks there seem to be. I feel like I am learning a brand new, deeper language. I've always been a student of love. A being of love. A teacher of love. But it feels like a far more resonant vocabulary is asking to BECOME. And occasionally, I feel like I know nothing, have no vocabulary to allow it all, and a mini-shut down sometimes happens. I'm developing patience with it all. I suspect I'm simply adapting to the new me. My knowns are simply different now and I have to catch up to them.

Last week was very tough. It felt like one roadblock after another. This week, after taking the time to sit in silence and simply be, I feel like some paths have opened up again.

I most certainly am connecting the dots. When I am unplugged on my meditation chair, I am unplugged in my life experiences. And I also realize that, sometimes, I may find myself in certain situations to help facilitate the unclogging of someone else. Sometimes. it's not me clogging up but me bumping into some folks who are. That within an intimate conversation or a heart-based whistle blow, I can help kindness and compassion into other people's energy fields. Heart-centred healing.


New and interesting and wonderful and challenging and all things alive and love.